Month: February 2013

The Four Cs of Writing

If you have ever bought or received a diamond engagement ring, you have undoubtedly learned about the Four Cs. These are the four factors that determine the value of a gem. For the uninitiated and/or the unlucky, here are the Four Cs: Clarity, Color, Cut and Carat. And just because I’ve never […]

Arrivederci, AVE!

Right up front, let me say that Advertising Value Equivalency (AVE) is an intellectually bankrupt concept and a desecration of all that is good and right in the world. Wow! It felt good to say that out loud. AVE is a purported measurement tool that attempts to assign […]

Hey Brother, Can You Paradigm?

The fun (or should I say unsettling) thing about paradigm shifts is that it’s hard to tell when they’re happening. But I spotted one recently, and it kind of rocked my world.  If your company recruits recent college graduates, chances are your new employees barely think about email […]